breve biografia

plurale è un concetto.
Nasce nel 2020 e si presenta come collettivo artistico osmotico, cui attivatori di base sono Leonardo Avesani (Verona, 1997) e Chiara Ventura (Verona, 1997). Nel 2022 pubblica il Manifesto Gesto empatico, una dichiarazione poetica che afferma il suo esserci nel mondo, dove si sostiene l’azione empatica come l’unico mezzo oggi praticabile per restituire agli esseri e alle cose pari diritti e dignità. plurale ha attivato una pratica transfemminista nel tentativo di sgretolare una visione eteronormativa del corpo e decolonizzare il desiderio, osservando la sessualità ed il piacere come spazi politici. Inoltre, è interessato alla cultura giovanile e studia in particolare il fenomeno trap italiano, analizzando le problematiche socioculturali legate alle ultime generazioni.
plurale è coautore del libro SNITCH. Dentro la trap (Psicografici Editore, Roma) e ha lavorato con musei, fondazioni, gallerie, spazi indipendenti tra cui Galerie Utopia / 4lthangrund Cultural Center (Vienna), Mart – Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto (Rovereto), Viafarini (Milano), TAI – Tuscan Art Industry (Prato), Galleria ME Vannucci (Pistoia), Adiacenze (Bologna), Roma Smistamento (Roma), Le garage (Trento).

short biography

plurale is a concept.
It was born in 2020 and presents itself as an osmotic artistic collective, whose basic activators are Leonardo Avesani (Verona, 1997) and Chiara Ventura (Verona, 1997). In 2022 it published the Manifesto Gesto empatico (Empathic gesture), a poetic statement affirming its being-in-the-world, where empathic action is affirmed as a means of restoring equal rights and dignity to beings and things. plurale has activated a transfeminist practice in an attempt to dismantle a heteronormative view of the body and to decolonise desire, observing sexuality and pleasure as political spaces. Additionally, it is engaged with youth culture and specifically studies the Italian trap phenomenon, analyzing sociocultural issues linked to younger generations.
plurale is the co-author of the book SNITCH. Dentro la trap (Psicografici Editore, Rome) and has collaborated with museums, foundations, galleries, and independent spaces including Galerie Utopia / 4lthangrund Cultural Center (Vienna, Austria), Mart – Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto (Rovereto, Italy), Viafarini (Milan, Italy), Roma Smistamento (Rome, Italy), TAI – Tuscan Art Industry (Prato, Italy), Galleria ME Vannucci (Pistoia, Italy), Adiacenze (Bologna, Italy), and Le garage (Trento, Italy).


mail –
instagram – @_plurale



SNITCH Vol.2, curated by Alessio Vigni, Habitat Ottantatre, Verona, Italy. 

SNITCH, curated by Alessio Vigni, Adiacenze, Bologna, Italy. 
NO CAP, with critical text by Tiziano Tancredi, Galleria ONOFF, Milan, Italy. 
Trying to be pleasure activists, curated by Mirco Marino, le garage lab, Trento, Italy. 
OPEN BODIES, curated by Alessio Vigni, Hybrid Art Fair, Hotel Petit Palace Santa Bárbara, Madrid, Spain.


Living Rooms, curated by Unobis, Unobis, Padova, Italy.
Address Unknown – Città, limiti, confini, curated by Giulio Verago, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy. 
A Corpo Libero, curated by Marina Zaia, L’Intreccio Viola, Turin, Italy. 
TAI Club, curated by Gabriele Tosi, SC17, Prato, Italy. 
Dialoghi empatici / Empathic dialogues, curated by Alessio Vigni, (un)fair, Superstudio Maxi, Milan, Italy.

Fair something out, Art Verona collateral project, Habitat Ottantatre, Verona, Italy. 
Latte Versato / Spilled Milk, curated by Mirco Marino, Galleria ME Vannucci, Pistoia, Italy. 
The Untitled Queer Art Project, curated by Nicola Bertoglio, critical text by Maria Mikaelyan, Casa dei diritti, Milan, Italy. 
FUR(Y), curated by Alessio Vigni, (un)fair, Superstudio Maxi, Milan, Italy. 
Generation(z), BOOMing Art Show (special project), Spazio DumBO, Bologna, Italy. 

Abitare lo spazio, widespread group exhibition in public space, curated by Ileana Rutigliano and Giulia Del Gobbo, Venice, Italy. 
Rabbia / Anger, Artfarm Pilastro Edition XXI, Ca’ Ottolina, Verona, Italy. 

2021 – 2022
Tracce visibili e invisibili / Visible and Invisible Traces, curated by In Habitat, Habitat Ottantatre, Verona, Italy.

gesto, movimento, militanza / gesture movement militancy, curated by In Habitat, Habitat Ottantatre, Verona, Italy. 
CASAMATTA discontinuità, curated by Re-Public, Bastione Sangallo, Fano, Italy.


Reconnect your body, performance live, TR4NSFORMA, 4lthangrund Cultural Center Vienna / Galerie Utopia, Wien, Austria.
POV, performance live, Unobis, Padova, Italy.
Reconnect your body
, performance live, METEORE FEST, Roma Smistamento | TWM Factory, Rome, Italy.
Luogo comune / Cliché, performative intervention, curated by Alessio Vigni, (un)fair, Superstudio Maxi, Milan, Italy.

Live, performance live, curated by Alessio Vigni, Adiacenze, Bologna, Italy.
Pensieri concessi in luogo pubblico, estetica di un linguaggio / Thoughts granted in a public place, the aesthetics of a language, installative intervention, curated by Performing The Club, Azimut club, Turin, Italy.
Colazione sull’erba sintetica / The Luncheon on the synthetic Grass, performance live, curated by Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Trebisonda, Terrazza Due Mondi, Spoleto, Italy.
Una boccata d’aria fresca / A breath of fresh air, performative intervention, Galleria ONOFF, Milan, Italy.
ANOTHERCONCEPTION, performative intervention, curated by Mirco Marino, le garage lab, Trento, Italy.
POV, performance live, curated by Mirco Marino, le garage lab, Trento, Italy.
Our bodies can be any colour they wish, performance live, curated by Alessio Vigni, Hybrid Art Fair, Madrid, Spain.

Dichiarazione / Statement, performative intervention, with the complicity and care of Silvia Concari during senso comune – public Talk, Habitat Ottantatre, Verona, Italy.
POV, performance live, curated by Silvia Concari e Alessio Vigni, Liberi (tutti), Habitat Ottantatre, Verona, Italy.
Gesto empatico / Empatic gesture, intervention, BAW – Bolzano Art Weeks, Bolzano, Italy.
Gesto 4 / Gesture 4, matte PVC adhesive on Dibond, Fondamenta Ponte Lungo, Venice, Italy (permanent work).
Gesto empatico / Empatic gesture, presentation of the Manifesto, Aula Magna, Academy of Fine Arts of Verona, Verona, Italy.
Luogo comune / Cliché, performative intervention, LAMB – Opening, LAMB by Marina Bastianello, Mestre, Italy.

Senza titolo 1, Senza titolo 2, Senza titolo 3 / Untitle 1, Utitle 2, Untitle 3, performance live, Via Procaccini, Milan, Italy.
praticamente / practically, performance live, curated by In Habitat, Habitat Ottantatre, Verona, Italy.
Uno / One, performance live, Historic center (public space), Padova, Italy.
Uno / One, performance live, Intervalli Festival, Padova, Italy.
GAME OVER, Installative intervention, in collaboration with Filippo Tommasoli, Habitat Ottantatre, Verona, Italy.
Pensieri concessi in luogo pubblico, estetica di un linguaggio 2 / Thoughts granted in a public place, the aesthetics of a language 2, Intervention in 4 different locations within the public space, Verona, Italy.

Luogo comune / Cliché, performative intervention, Volcana Festival 2020, Forte San Briccio, Verona, Italy.


TR4NSFORMA – Festival for Transformance Art, curated by Marko Makovic, 4lthangrund Cultural Center Vienna / Galerie Utopia, Wien, Austria.
METEORE FEST – performare spazi queer
, III Edizione Ultraqueer / METEORE FEST – performing queer spaces, III Edition Ultraqueer, Roma Smistamento | TWM Factory, Rome, Italy.
Festival del Giornalismo di Verona / Verona Journalism Festival, Habitat Ottantatre, Verona, Italy.

BAW – Bolzano Art Weeks, Bolzano, Italy.
Costanza – La città amplificata / Costanza – The amplified city, festival-forum of amplified sounds, presented by Toast association, curated by Mariangela Dalfovo, Stefano Giuri, Gabriele Tosi, Terminal T1 of Villa Costanza, Scandicci, Italy.

Liberi (tutti), Performing Arts Festival, curated by Silvia Concari and Alessio Vigni, Habitat Ottantatre, Verona, Italy.
BAW – Bolzano Art Week, Bolzano, Italy.

Il nuovo lavoro di sé, Volcana Festival 2020, Forte San Briccio, Verona, Italy.


You Too residence, TAI – Tuscan Art Industry, Prato, Italy.


Exibart Prize N4 (finalist / 4th position).

2022 – 2023
Exibart Prize 2022/23 (finalist / 8th position).


La Tenuta dell’istante: musica trap e gioventù dissonanti, Massimo De Mari and Monica Bomba (Italian Psychoanalytic Society) in dialogue with plurale (art collective) and Alessio Vigni (curator), curated by Silvia Mondini, Sala Paladin Palazzo Moroni, Padova, Italy.
Guest Lecture (online), within the Queer.Performance.Art course by Julia Sprenger, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Austria.

FAQzine e FAQ. Artisə rispondono a cose – panel discussion, Adiacenze, Bologna, Italy.
LUMEN slowjournal – Che storia! Tutta un’altra musica. Conversazione musicale tra trap e rock rock with Denis Isaia, Michele Bertamini and plurale, MART – Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Italy.
La pluralità del piacere / The plurality of pleasure, public talk with plurale and Mirco Marino, moderated by Marco Burchini, le garage lab, Trento, Italy.
FUR(Y) – public talk, curated by Alessio Vigni, (un)fair, Superstudio Maxi, Milan, Italy.

senso comune / common sense – public Talk, curated by In Habitat and Adiacenze, Habitat Ottantatre, Verona, Italy.


SORGENTI, curated by QLOOM, Habitat Ottantatre, Verona, Italy.
FATAVideo (exhibition), Parsec, Bologna, Italy.
FATAVideo – eco-transfeminism section.
Aprto – Aperture del contemporaneo a Prato
/ Openings of the contemporary in Prato, SC17, Prato, Italy.

FAQ#5, FAQ – artistə rispondono a cose, editorial project curated by Nicoletta De Santoli & Rodolfo Baldanzi, Bologna, Italy.
Radio interview for Te la do io l’arte di Nicolas Ballario.
ReA! Art Fair, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy.
Participation in the 19th edition of the Giornata del Contemporaneo promoted by AMACI.
EXPLICIT CONTENT, videoloop for Che storia! Tutta un’altra musica, curated by LUMEN slowjournal, Mart – Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Italy
what You is, triptych curated by Edoardo Durante for Artoday (online exhibition).
TIDES, Caracol Olol Jackson, Vicenza, Italy.

Gesto 4: Un’azione a sangue freddo, with critical text by Alessio Vigni, Fondamenta Ponte Lungo, Venice (event as part of the 18° Giornata del Contemporaneo promoted by AMACI).


SINTETICO. Musica di plastica per il futuro che è già  /  SYNTHETIC. Plastic music for the future that already is – release date 07/07/2023
KRÓNOS – release date 18/03/2024

EXPLICIT CONTENT (Original Videoperformance Soundtrack) – release date 08/05/2023
X – release date 25/06/2023
LUPO CLUB (Original Videoperformance Soundtrack of ‘Body that desires’) [Remastered] – release date 25/08/2023
Live (Original Performance Soundtrack) – release date 19/10/2023
Reconnect your body (Original Performance Soundtrack) – release date 15/06/2024

06/07/2023 – SINTETICO. Musica di plastica per il futuro che è già, Galleria ME Vannucci, Pistoia, Italy.
25/07/2023 – SINTETICO. Musica di plastica per il futuro che è già, MART – Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Italy
14/09/2023 – SINTETICO. Musica di plastica per il futuro che è già, curated by Verona Art Week, Piazza Santa Toscana, Verona, Italy
04/11/2023 – SINTETICO. Musica di plastica per il futuro che è già, curated by ghëddo, with critical text by Barbara Ruperti, Viale Virgilio, Turin, Italy.
03/03/2024 – KRÓNOS, preview concert, curated by Gabriele Tosi, Capanno Black Out, Prato, Italy.


TR4NSFORMA Festival for transformance art,, online article (link).
Body of evidence: power, desire, desolation, Fanzine produced by plurale, supported by Ghëddo.
Exibart Prize N4 – Prize Catalogue.
SUPER FRESH: METEORE FEST, by Alessio Vigni, art-frame magazine, online article (link).
Dal 21 Giugno arriva Meteore Fest: la cultura queer al centro della scena milanese, by Giuseppe Mendolia Calella, Balloon Project, online article (link).
Meteore Fest, lo Spazio della cultura queer tra Roma e Milano, by Martina Ippolito, Exibart, online article (link).
Plurale | SNITCH vol. II, dentro la trap, Segnonline, online article (link).
Tra trap e sbarre: il progetto del collettivo plurale arriva a Verona, Exibart, online article (link).

SUPER FRESH: TAI – TUSCAN ART INDUSTRY, by Alessio Vigni, art-frame magazine, online article (link).
222 Artisti emergenti su cui investire / 2024, curated by Cesare Biasini Selvaggi, edit by Exibart, ISBN 9788885553057.
FAQzine, official fanzine of the editorial project FAQ – artistə rispondono a cose, curated by Nicoletta De Santoli and Rodolfo Baldanzi, in collaboration with Adiacenze, Almanacco Press.
SOTH (first issue: MANIFESTO).
I collettivi artistici di Milano da conoscere, by Agnese Torres, Harper’s BAZAAR, online article (link).
SINTETICO. Musica di plastica per il futuro che è già, Segnonline, online article (link).
Exibart Prize 2022-2023 Prize Catalogue, edited by Exibart.
SNITCH. Dentro la trap, by Alessio Vigni and plurale, edited by Psicografici Editore (Rome), ISBN 9791255460909.
SNITCH by Plurale at Adiacenze Bologna, by Matilde Moro, art-frame magazine, online article (link).
Snitch, il viaggio nella trap di collettivo plurale fa tappa a Bologna, Exibart, online article (link).
plurale | SNITCH, Segnonline, online article (link).
NO CAP, analisi di un fenomeno generazionale, by Edoardo Durante, Exibart, online article (link).
NO CAP, fanzine edited by Galleria ONOFF, Milan.
La trap come non l’avete mai ascoltata. E vista. Intervista a plurale, by Tiziano Tancredi, Exibart, online publication (link).
No Cap: l’influenza della cultura trap sulla Gen Z in mostra a Milano, Exibart, online article (link).
Scandicci, a Villa Costanza un festival dedicato alle dimensioni del suono, Exibart, online articole (link).
Arte e Club Culture, l’installazione del collettivo plurale all’Azimut Club di Torino, Exibart, online article (link).
Open Bodies nella camera 101: il collettivo plurale a Madrid, per Hybrid Art Fair, Exibart, online article (link).
OPEN BODIES – mostra personale di plurale, Juliet Art Magazine, online article (link).
Gesto empatico, interview curated by Nina Stricker inside Salto Artstore, online publication (link).

LAMB (Magazine 00), curated by Acido lattico, Lamb by Marina Bastianello.
CORPO INDIVIDUALE/CORPO SOCIALE, curated by MUSPA – Museo Senza Pareti, online publication.